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Driving experience in a Ferrari F430 F1 for 20 min in the Netherlands

Driving experience in a Ferrari F430 F1 for 20 min in the Netherlands

Here you will find the best driving experience in a Ferrari!

Looking for something where everyone who loves cars can enjoy? Choose the Ferrari F430 F1 drive for 20 min. What's so special about this experience is that it is Ferrari driving on public roads.

You follow a certain route that is very varied so you can enjoy the capacities that a Ferrari can offer, also a piece of highway so you can try it out what the car can.

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Gliding in Belgium Voler dans le ciel, une expression à prendre au sens propre et au sens figuré pour cette expérience riche en sensations. Un moment vraiment agréable à vivre et des paysages différents de l'ordinaire à découvrir. Henry Lafford

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